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Stock Name



Main Market

Business Address

Mayu Global Group Berhad

[198101012950 (79082-V)]
No. 17, Jalan Perusahaan Sungai Lokan 3
Taman Industri Sungai Lokan
13800 Butterworth
Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

Tel No.:  604-6857324
Fax No.:  604-6857306

Stock Code



Industrial Products & Services

Company Secretary / Secretaries

Chan May Yoke
(SSM PC No. 202008002012)
(MAICSA 7019010)

Registered Office

No. 17, Jalan Perusahaan Sungai Lokan 3
Taman Industri Sungai Lokan
13800 Butterworth, Malaysia

Tel No.:  604-5189999
Fax No.:  04-6857306

Share Registrar

Boardroom Share Registrars Sdn. Bhd.
[199601006647 (378993-D)]
11th Floor, Menara Symphony
No. 5, Jalan Professor Khoo Kay Kim
Seksyen 13, 46200 Petaling Jaya
Selangor Darul Ehsan


Grant Thornton Malaysia PLT (AF:0737)
Chartered Accountants
Level 5, Menara BHL
51, Jalan Sultan Ahmad Shah
10050 Penang, Malaysia

Tel No.: 604-2287828
Fax No.: 604-2279828


Affin Bank Berhad
AmBank (M) Berhad
AmIslamic Bank Berhad
CIMB Bank Berhad
Hong Leong Bank Berhad
Malayan Banking Berhad
Maybank Islamic Berhad
Public Bank Berhad
RHB Bank Berhad
UOB Bank Berhad


Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa
(Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 62

S.S.A.P, D.P.S.K, D.P.N.S, P.G.P.P, J.S.M, P.S.P.P, J.P.N

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 1 October 2020 as the Chairman of the Board. He started his career as a Junior Executive in Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad in 1981. He then joined the Royal Malaysia Police in 1987. He has holistic and extensive experience in Royal Malaysia Police for 33 years until his retirement on 24 December 2019. During his service in the Royal Malaysia Police, he holds the following various positions:

• Officer in Charge of Police District (“OCPD”) in Kota Tinggi, Johor
• Officer in Charge of Commercial Crime Investigation Department in Penang
• Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigation (“OCCI”) in Selangor
• Chief Police Officer (“CPO”) in Perlis and Kuala Lumpur
• Deputy Director of Commercial Crime Investigation Department (“RMP”)
• Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department (“RMP”)
• Director of Logistics and Technology Department (“RMP”)

Currently, he holds directorship in a private limited company.
Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers:

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa
(Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 64

S.S.A.P, D.P.S.K, D.P.N.S, P.G.P.P, J.S.M, P.S.P.P, J.P.N

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa was appointed to the Board of MAYU on 1 October 2020 as the Chairman of the Board.

Dato’ Sri graduated with a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma, United States of America and a Master in Police Studies from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia. He started his career as a Junior Executive in Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad in 1981. He then joined the Royal Malaysia Police in 1987. He has holistic and extensive experience in Royal Malaysia Police ("RMP") for 33 years until his retirement on 24 December 2019. During his service in the RMP, he holds the following various positions:

He has holistic and extensive experience in Royal Malaysia Police (“RMP”) for 33 years until his retirement
on 24 December 2019. During his service in the RMP, he holds the following various positions:
• Officer in Charge of Commercial Crime Investigation Department in Penang
• Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigation ("OCCI") in Selangor
• Chief Police Officer ("CPO") in Perlis and Kuala Lumpur
• Deputy Director of Commercial Crime Investigation Department
• Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department
• Director of Logistics and Technology Department

Currently, he holds directorship in a private limited company.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: YB Ventures Berhad

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa
(Chairman/Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 63

S.S.A.P, D.P.S.K, D.P.N.S, P.G.P.P, J.S.M, P.S.P.P, J.P.N

Dato’ Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 1 October 2020 as the Chairman of the Board. He graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma, United States of America and a Master in Police Studies from the University Kebangsaan Malaysia.

He started his career as a Junior Executive in Bank Bumiputra Malaysia Berhad in 1981. He then joined the Royal Malaysia Police in 1987. He has holistic and extensive experience in Royal Malaysia Police ("RMP") for 33 years until his retirement on 24 December 2019. During his service in the RMP, he holds the following various positions:

• Officer in Charge of Police District ("OCPD") in Kota Tinggi, Johor
• Officer in Charge of Commercial Crime Investigation Department in Penang
• Officer in Charge of Criminal Investigation ("OCCI") in Selangor
• Chief Police Officer ("CPO") in Perlis and Kuala Lumpur
• Deputy Director of Commercial Crime Investigation Department
• Director of Crime Prevention and Community Safety Department
• Director of Logistics and Technology Department

Currently, he holds directorship in a private limited company.
Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: YB Ventures Berhad

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Tan Kim Hee
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 59

Tan Kim Hee was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 March
2018. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 February 2020.

After graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Mr. Tan involved in the telecommunication industry by joining Sapura Group. He builds up his customer network and maintained good relationships with most of the major suppliers during this period. After gaining enough experience, he decided to venture into the telecommunication business on his own strength establishing One Touch Mobile Sdn. Bhd. in year 1998, has over eighteen (18) years of experience in the telecommunication industry. Through his commitment and effort, he has successfully gained a foothold in the telecommunication industry. After a few years of determined effort and hard work, he gained his reputation as a reliable and efficient businessman in the market and the company is expanding rapidly under his leadership.

He is also a substantial shareholder of MAYU. Ms. Tan Qian Hui, the Executive Director of MAYU is his daughter.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Tan Kim Hee
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 58

Tan Kim Hee was appointed to the Board of ATTA as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 March 2018. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 February 2020. He was appointed as the Chairman of the ESOS Committee on 28 September 2021.

After graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), he involved in the telecommunication industry by joining Sapura Group. He builds up his customer network and maintained good relationship with most of the major suppliers during this period. After gaining enough experience, he decided to venture into the telecommunication business on his own strength establishing One Touch Mobile Sdn. Bhd. in year 1998, has over eighteen (18) years of experience in the telecommunication industry.

Through his commitment and effort, he has successfully gained a foothold in the telecommunication industry. After a few years of determined effort and hard work, he gained his reputation as a reliable and efficient businessman in the market and the company is expanding rapidly under his leadership. He is also a substantial shareholder of ATTA.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Tan Kim Hee
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 57

Tan Kim Hee was appointed to the Board of ATTA as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 March 2018. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 February 2020. He was appointed as the Chairman of the ESOS Committee on 28 September 2021. After graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), he involved in the telecommunication industry by joining Sapura Group. He builds up his customer network and maintained good relationship with most of the major suppliers during this period. After gaining enough experience, he decided to venture into the telecommunication business on his own strength establishing One Touch Mobile Sdn. Bhd. in year 1998, has over eighteen (18) years of experience in telecommunication industry. Through his commitment and effort, he has successfully gained a foothold in the telecommunication industry. After a few years of determined effort and hard work, he gained his reputation as reliable and efficient businessmen in the market and the company is expanding rapidly under his leadership.

He is also a substantial shareholder of ATTA.
Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Goh Chin Heng
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 46

Goh Chin Heng was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 October 2020. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 March 2021. He was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee on 18 March 2021 and relinquished his position on 1 March 2023 after the establishment of the Nomination and Remuneration Committee on 1 March 2023.

Mr. Goh founded G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd. ("GRMSB") which is a Grade 7 contractor registered with the Construction Industry Development Board ("CIDB") in year 2017 with his solid industrial knowledge. He has been appointed as the Managing Director of GRMSB and he is primarily responsible for the overall business strategy towards the profitable growth of GRMSB as dictated by the Boards strategy. He creates the blueprint for GRMSB, executing the comprehensive business plans and ventures, overseeing GRMSB’s financial performance and implementing operating plans and policies which are paralleled with GRMSB’s objectives and visions. He was formerly an Executive Director of Jade Marvel Group Berhad. Back in his early career days, Mr. Goh practiced as a design and project engineer with Arup Jururunding Sdn. Bhd. and was often involved in large scale development projects undertaken by both public and private sectors.

His quality of being agile coupled with his adequate exposure diversity landed him a position as Senior Engineer with Ivory Properties Group Berhad ("IPGB"), a Malaysian Public Listed Company. He was promoted multiple times throughout his tenure with IPGB and his diligence, dedication, leadership skills and traits led him to the position of Chief Operating Officer. While holding the Chief Operating Officer's office, he administered the day-to-day overall quality management of IPGB and collaborated with the Chief Executive Officer in driving all businesses and investments of IPGB.

His holistic experience in the real estate industry propelled him into the Directors' office of Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. which was then the joint venture company incorporated between IPGB and Tropicana Corporation Berhad.

He is deemed interested through G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd., a substantial shareholder of MAYU.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Goh Chin Heng
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 44

Goh Chin Heng was appointed to the Board of ATTA as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 October 2020. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 March 2021. He was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee and ESOS Committee on 18 March 2021 and 28 September 2021 respectively.

He founded G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd. (“GRMSB”) which is a Grade 7 contractor registered with Construction
Industry Development Board (“CIDB”) in year 2017 with his solid industrial knowledge. He has been appointed as the Managing Director of GRMSB and he is primarily responsible for the overall business strategy towards the profitable growth of GRMSB as dictated by the Boards strategy.

He creates the blueprint for GRMSB, executing the comprehensive business plans and ventures, overseeing GRMSB’s financial performance and implementing operating plans and policies which are paralleled with GRMSB’s objectives and visions. Uncontroversial, he is presently serving as a Project Director for Titijaya Land Berhad and was formerly an Executive Director of Jade Marvel Group Berhad. Back in his early career days, Mr. Goh practised as a design and project engineer with Arup Jururunding Sdn. Bhd. and was often involved in large scale development projects undertaken by both public and private sectors.

His quality of being agile coupled with his adequate exposure diversity landed him a position of Senior Engineer with Ivory Properties Group Berhad (“IPGB”), a Malaysian Public Listed Company. He was promoted multiple times throughout his tenure with IPGB and his diligence, dedication, leadership skills and traits led him to the position of Chief Operating Officer. While holding the Chief Operating Officers office, he administered the day-to-day overall quality management of IPGB and collaborated with Chief Executive Officer in driving all businesses and investments of IPGB. His holistic experience in the real estate industry propelled him into the Directors’ office of Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. which was then the joint venture company incorporated between IPGB and Tropicana Corporation Berhad. He is deemed interest through G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd., a substantial shareholder of ATTA.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Goh Chin Heng
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 45

Goh Chin Heng was appointed to the Board of ATTA as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 October 2020. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 March 2021. He was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee and ESOS Committee on 18 March 2021 and 28 September 2021 respectively.

He founded G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd. (“GRMSB”) which is a Grade 7 contractor registered with Construction Industry Development Board ("CIDB") in year 2017 with his solid industrial knowledge. He has been appointed as the Managing Director of GRMSB and he is primarily responsible for the overall business strategy towards the profitable growth of GRMSB as dictated by the Boards strategy. He creates the blueprint for GRMSB, executing the comprehensive business plans and ventures, overseeing GRMSB’s financial performance and implementing operating plans and policies which are paralleled with GRMSB’s objectives and visions. He was formerly an Executive Director of Jade Marvel Group Berhad. Back in his early career days, Mr. Goh practised as a design and project engineer with Arup Jururunding Sdn. Bhd. and was often involved in large scale development projects undertaken by both public and private sectors.

His quality of being agile coupled with his adequate exposure diversity landed him a position of Senior Engineer with Ivory Properties Group Berhad ("IPGB"), a Malaysian Public Listed Company. He was promoted multiple times throughout his tenure with IPGB and his diligence, dedication, leadership skills and traits led him to the position of Chief Operating Officer. While holding the Chief Operating Officers office, he administered the day-to-day overall quality management of IPGB and collaborated with Chief Executive Officer in driving all businesses and investments of IPGB.
His holistic experience in the real estate industry propelled him into the Directors’ office of Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. which was then the joint venture company incorporated between IPGB and Tropicana Corporation Berhad.
He is deemed interested through G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd., a substantial shareholder of ATTA.
Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Chow Choon Hoong
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 59

Chow Choon Hoong is an Executive Director of MAYU. He was appointed to the Board of MAYU on 29 June 2015 and also the Chairman of the Risk Management Committee. On 2 March 2023, the Risk Management Committee had been re-designated and known as "Risk Management and Sustainability Committee ("RMSC").

Mr. Chow graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and Specialized in Structural and Transportation Engineering. He served as a Civil Engineer of Tokyu Construction Sdn. Bhd. from year 1992 to 1993. Then, he served as an Assistant Resident Engineer of Wing Tai Development Sdn. Bhd. from year 1993 to 1994. After that, he worked as a Project Coordinator and Structural Detailed Design Engineer of Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn. Bhd. in year 1994 until 1997. Thereafter, he worked as a Project Manager of MUI Properties Sdn. Bhd. from year 1997 to 1998. Presently, he is a Director of Duro Metal Industrial (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Metal Perforators (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., the subsidiaries of MAYU.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Chow Choon Hoong
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 57

Chow Choon Hoong is an Executive Director of ATTA. He was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 29 June 2015 and also the Chairman of Risk Management Committee. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and Specialized in Structural and Transportation Engineering. He served as a Civil Engineer of Tokyu Construction Sdn. Bhd. from year 1992 to 1993. Then, he served as an Assistant Resident Engineer of Ving Tai Development Sdn. Bhd. from year 1993 to 1994. After that, he worked as a Project Coordinator and Structural Detailed Design Engineer of Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn. Bhd. in year 1994 until 1997. Thereafter, he worked as a Project Manager of MUI Properties Sdn. Bhd. from year 1997 to 1998. Presently, he is a Director of Duro Metal Industrial (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Metal Perforators (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., the subsidiaries of ATTA.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Chow Choon Hoong
(Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 58

Chow Choon Hoong is an Executive Director of ATTA. He was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 29 June 2015 and also the Chairman of Risk Management Committee. He graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and Specialized in Structural and Transportation Engineering. He served as a Civil Engineer of Tokyu Construction Sdn. Bhd. from year 1992 to 1993. Then, he served as an Assistant Resident Engineer of Ving Tai Development Sdn. Bhd. from year 1993 to 1994. After that, he worked as a Project Coordinator and Structural Detailed Design Engineer of Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn. Bhd. in year 1994 until 1997. Thereafter, he worked as a Project Manager of MUI Properties Sdn. Bhd. from year 1997 to 1998. Presently, he is a Director of Duro Metal
Industrial (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Metal Perforators (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., the subsidiaries of ATTA.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 71

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran was appointed to the Board of ATTA as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 20 December 2004. He was subsequently appointed as Chairman of the Board on 29 July 2014 and served in that capacity until 18 February 2020. He is also a member of the Audit Committee, the Chairman of Remuneration and Nomination Committees of the Company.

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from the University of Madras in 1973. He started his career as an Executive in New Zealand Insurance Ltd in 1974. He was appointed as an Assistant Manager in United Oriental Assurance Bhd in 1977. He then held a managerial position from 1982 until 1992 when he was promoted as Regional Manager. Currently, he is a consultant with Sterling Insurance Brokers Sdn. Bhd.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 72

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran was appointed to the Board of ATTA as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 20 December 2004. He was subsequently appointed as Chairman of the Board on 29 July 2014 and served in that capacity until 18 February 2020. He is also a member of the Audit Committee, the Chairman of Remuneration and Nomination Committees of the Company.

Sudesh A/L K.V. Sankaran graduated with a Bachelor of Arts (Economics) from the University of Madras in 1973. He started his career as an Executive in New Zealand Insurance Ltd in 1974. He was appointed as an Assistant Manager in United Oriental Assurance Bhd in 1977. He then held a managerial position from 1982 until 1992 when he was promoted as Regional Manager. Currently, he is a consultant with Sterling Insurance Brokers Sdn. Bhd.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Ms Tan Qian Hui
(Executive Director)

Female, Malaysian, aged 25

Tan Qian Hui was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 March 2023. She was then re-designated to Executive Director on 1 December 2023.

Ms. Tan graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Commerce from the University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland and a Bachelor of Commerce Exchange Programme from Queen's University Kingston, Canada.

She started with her working experience as Marketing Executive at Poet Living Sdn Bhd in November 2019 until March 2020 and she then moved to One Touch Mobile Sdn Bhd until August 2020. Subsequently, she joined Masco Agriculture Sdn Bhd as a Project Leader from September 2020 until January 2022 and finally as a Managing Director of Chubby Chef Creative Agency Sdn Bhd from March 2022 until present.

Ms. Tan is the daughter of the Executive Director of the Company, Mr. Tan Kim Hee who is also a major Shareholder of the Company.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil.

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Loh Yee Sing
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Female, Malaysian, aged 46

Loh Yee Sing is an Independent Non-Executive Director of ATTA. She was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 28 November 2016. She was appointed as the Chairman of the Audit Committee on 24 June 2021. She is also a member of the Nomination Committee and Risk Management Committee of the Company.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Nelson Polytechnic at New Zealand. She is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants New Zealand. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Finance and Accounting. Presently, she is a Senior Finance Manager of Zhulian Group of Companies.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Loh Yee Sing
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Female, Malaysian, aged 45

Loh Yee Sing is an Independent Non-Executive Director of ATTA. She was appointed to the Board of ATTA on 28 November 2016. She was appointed as the Chairman of the Audit Committee on 24 June 2021. She is also a member of the Nomination Committee and Risk Management Committee of the Company.

She graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Nelson Polytechnic at New Zealand. She is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants New Zealand. She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Finance and Accounting. Presently, she is a Senior Finance Manager of Zhulian Group of Companies.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Loh Yee Sing
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Female, Malaysian, aged 47

Loh Yee Sing is an Independent Non-Executive Director of MAYU. She was appointed to the Board of MAYU on 28 November 2016. She was appointed as the Chairman of the Audit Committee on 24 June 2021. She was appointed as a member of the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee and Risk Management and Sustainability Committee on 1 March 2023 and 2 March 2023 respectively.

Ms. Loh graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), Nelson Polytechnic at New Zealand. She is also a member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Institute of Chartered Accountants New Zealand.

She has more than 15 years of experience in the field of Finance and Accounting. Presently, she is a Senior Finance Manager of Zhulian Group of Companies.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 59

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran was appointed to the Board of ATTA as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 13 April 2021. Subsequent, he was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee on 24 June 2021.

He began his career in 1991 by joining Solectron Technologies Sdn Bhd as a Senior Manager until 1998 when he joined G-Technologies Inc to hold a leadership position as a Regional Manager (SE Asia). In 2003, he was admitted to the High Court of Malaya as an advocate and solicitor. At the same year, he served as a legal assistant in Mohd Imtiaz Choong & Partners for 2 years. Following that he joined K. Mano & Associates as a partner between 2005 to 2008. He then continued his career as a sole proprietor of SC Ravi & Associates in 2008 and has since been remained the same.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 60

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran was appointed to the Board of MAYU as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 13 April 2021. Subsequently, he was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee on 24 June 2021. However, the Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee ("NRC") has been combined into one single committee and Mr. Ravi was appointed as a Chairman of the NRC on 1 March 2023.

Mr. Ravi graduated with a law degree from the University of London. He began his career in 1991 by joining Solectron Technologies Sdn Bhd as a Senior Manager until 1998 when he joined G-Technologies Inc to hold a leadership position as a Regional Manager (SE Asia). In 2003, he was admitted to the High Court of Malaya as an advocate and solicitor. At the same year, he served as a legal assistant in Mohd Imtiaz Choong & Partners for 2 years. Following that he joined K. Mano & Associates as a partner between 2005 to 2008.

He then continued his career as a sole proprietor of SC Ravi & Associates in 2008 and has since remained the same.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Male, Malaysian, aged 58

Ravi Chandran A/L Subash Chandran was appointed to the Board of ATTA as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 13 April 2021. Subsequent, he was appointed as a member of the Audit Committee, Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee on 24 June 2021.

He began his career in 1991 by joining Solectron Technologies Sdn Bhd as a Senior Manager until 1998 when he joined G-Technologies Inc to hold a leadership position as a Regional Manager (SE Asia). In 2003, he was admitted to the High Court of Malaya as an advocate and solicitor. At the same year, he served as a legal assistant in Mohd Imtiaz Choong & Partners for 2 years. Following that he joined K. Mano & Associates as a partner between 2005 to 2008. He then continued his career as a sole proprietor of SC Ravi & Associates in 2008 and has since been remained the same.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Dato' Sri Tajudin Bin Md Isa

Ms Leong Wai Kuan
(Independent Non-Executive Director)

Female, Malaysian, aged 47

Leong Wai Kuan was appointed to the Board of MAYU as an Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 March 2023 and appointed as a member of the Audit Committee and Nomination Committee and Remuneration Committee on 1 March 2023.

Ms. Leong holds a Bachelor of Laws from the University of Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom and subsequently, she obtained the Certificate in Legal Practice and admitted to the Malaysian Bar in year 2003. She practised in several firms prior to joining Messrs Lio & Partners as a partner in 2010.

She has over 19 years of experience practicing as an Advocate and Solicitor specializing in conveyancing and corporate matters. She has a good working relationship with various corporate entities and has been appointed as legal advisor to handle their legal related portfolios.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Tan Kim Hee

Tan Kim Hee
Executive Director

Tan Kim Hee was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 28 March 2018. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 February 2020. After graduated from University Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Mr. Tan involved in the telecommunication industry by joining Sapura Group. He builds up his customer network and maintained good relationship with most of the major suppliers during this period. After gaining enough experience, he decided to venture into the telecommunication business on his own strength establishing One Touch Mobile Sdn. Bhd. in year 1998, has over eighteen (18) years of experience in the telecommunication industry.

Through his commitment and effort, he has successfully gained a foothold in the telecommunication industry. After a few years of determined effort and hard work, he gained his reputation as a reliable and efficient businessman in the market and the company is expanding rapidly under his leadership. He is also a substantial shareholder of MAYU.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Goh Chin Heng
Executive Director

Goh Chin Heng was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 October 2020. He was re-designated as an Executive Director on 18 March 2021. He was appointed as a member of the Remuneration Committee on 18 March 2021 and relinquished his position on 1 March 2023 after the establishment of Nomination and Remuneration Committee on 1 March 2023. Mr. Goh founded G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd. (“GRMSB”) which is a Grade 7 contractor registered with Construction Industry Development Board (“CIDB”) in year 2017 with his solid industrial knowledge. He has been appointed as the Managing Director of GRMSB and he is primarily responsible for the overall business strategy towards the profitable growth of GRMSB as dictated by the Boards strategy.

He creates the blueprint for GRMSB, executing the comprehensive business plans and ventures, overseeing GRMSB’s financial performance and implementing operating plans and policies which are paralleled with GRMSB’s objectives and visions. He was formerly an Executive Director of Jade Marvel Group Berhad. Back in his early career days, Mr. Goh practiced as a design and project engineer with Arup Jururunding Sdn. Bhd. and was often involved in large scale development projects undertaken by both public and private sectors.

His quality of being agile coupled with his adequate exposure diversity landed him a position of Senior Engineer with Ivory Properties Group Berhad (“IPGB”), a Malaysian Public Listed Company. He was promoted multiple times throughout his tenure with IPGB and his diligence, dedication, leadership skills and traits led him to the position of Chief Operating Officer. While holding the Chief Operating Officer’s office, he administered the day-to-day overall quality management of IPGB and collaborated with Chief Executive Officer in driving all businesses and investments of IPGB.

His holistic experience in the real estate industry propelled him into the Directors’ office of Tropicana Ivory Sdn. Bhd. which was then the joint venture company incorporated between IPGB and Tropicana Corporation Berhad. He is deemed interested through G Reka Management Sdn. Bhd., a substantial shareholder of MAYU.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Goh Chin Heng
Chow Choon Hoong

Chow Choon Hoong
Executive Director

Chow Choon Hoong is an Executive Director of MAYU. He was appointed to the Board of MAYU on 29 June 2015 and also the Chairman of Risk Management Committee. On 2 March 2023, the Risk Management Committee had been re-designated and known as “Risk Management and Sustainability Committee (“RMSC”). Mr. Chow graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Civil Engineering and Specialized in Structural and Transportation Engineering. He served as a Civil Engineer of Tokyu Construction Sdn. Bhd. from year 1992 to 1993. Then, he served as an Assistant Resident Engineer of Wing Tai Development Sdn. Bhd. from year 1993 to 1994.

After that, he worked as a Project Coordinator and Structural Detailed Design Engineer of Sepakat Setia Perunding Sdn. Bhd. in year 1994 until 1997. Thereafter, he worked as a Project Manager of MUI Properties Sdn. Bhd. from year 1997 to 1998. Presently, he is a Director of Duro Metal Industrial (M) Sdn. Bhd. and Metal Perforators (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd., the subsidiaries of MAYU.

Other Directorship(s) in Public Companies and Listed Issuers: Nil

Siva Raman A/L S. Ramasamy Pattar
Group Financial Controller

Siva Raman A/L S. Ramasamy Pattar, joined the Group formerly known as SMPC in 1985 in the Accounts Department after completing his Diploma in Accounting from the London Chamber of Commerce and Industries. He graduated with a Master of Business Administration (“MBA”) specialized in Finance from the University of Southern Queensland, Australia. He was promoted to the position of Group Financial Controller in 2010. He has more than 30 years of experience in the fields of accounting, costing and corporate finance. He is responsible for the Group’s financial reporting, corporate finance, financial planning and management, treasury, investor relation, tax planning and compliance.

He does not have any family relationship with any Directors and/or Major Shareholders of the Company. He has no conflict of interest with the Company, has no conviction for offences within the past 5 years nor public sanction or penalty imposed by the relevant regulatory bodies during the financial period.

Siva Raman A/L S. Ramasamy Pattar
Miss Tan Qian Hui

Miss Tan Qian Hui
Executive Director

Tan Qian Hui was appointed to the Board of MAYU as a Non-Independent Non-Executive Director on 1 March 2023. Ms. Tan graduated with a Bachelor Degree of Commerce from the University College of Dublin, Dublin, Ireland and a Bachelor of Commerce Exchange Programme from Queen’s University Kingston, Canada. She started off with her working experience as Marketing Executive at Poet Living Sdn Bhd in November 2019 until March 2020 and she then moved to One Touch Mobile Sdn Bhd until August 2020. Subsequently, she joined Masco Agriculture Sdn Bhd as a Project Leader in September 2020 until January 2022.


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